Inpatient Rehabilitation

Partnering With You

When you’re admitted to Sanford Inpatient Rehabilitation, you start a journey toward recovery.We believe in starting inpatient rehabilitation with a discharge plan. You’ll partner with specialists who’ll identify your goals and create a plan tailored to your condition, abilities and needs. You’ll recover physical and mental functioning as quickly and safely as possible.

Rehabilitation isn’t easy. You need specialists on your side who will work as hard as you will. We’re here to champion you and make your rehabilitation experience as successful as possible.

Who Benefits from Inpatient Therapy

我们治疗青少年和成人患者面临一个暂时的,进行性的或永久性的疾病或残疾。We help patients with these conditions:

Sanford Health also offers rehabilitation programs for children. See ourpediatric rehabilitation and therapy services.

Your Inpatient Experience

Your daily schedule will vary, but a typical day will include several hours of intense therapy. You’ll work with specialists inoccupational therapy,physical therapyandspeech therapy.


Our goal at Sanford Inpatient Rehabilitation is to help you complete the inpatient program, but we also want to set you up for success so you continue making progress after discharge.

Care from Accredited Rehabilitation Programs



Start Your Recovery Journey

Find a Sanford Health hospital in your area with an inpatient rehabilitation program. You’ll partner with specialists working to support and champion you.
