Integrative Health

Caring for Your Mind, Body & Spirit

Integrative medicine is an evidence-based, patient-centered and holistic approach to health care. Choose Sanford Integrative Health for care that looks beyond your diagnosis to treat you as a whole person.


Integrative Medicine Therapies

You’ll partner with board-certified providers to create a treatment plan that meets your health goals. Your plan will be based on your medical history, current lifestyle and supplements. Our complementary medicine services are often used in conjunction with traditional medicine.


We offer:

Acupressure:We’ll apply physical pressure to specific points on the body to provide relief from stress-related ailments.

Acupuncture:Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment. It involves inserting thin needles into specific points along pathways on the body. The therapy resets cell signaling, calms the nervous system and relaxes the body.

Aromatherapy:The aroma of essential oils can help improve emotional and physical well-being. You will receive an oil based on your needs. We have oils for patients looking to curb their nausea or headaches, feel more energized, relax and more.

Deep breathing exercises:Deep breathing exercises are techniques that bring your body into a state of deep relaxation. Studies have shown deep, mindful breathing has many health benefits, including relieving stress.

Guided imageryandmeditation:我们的引导图像和冥想提供者将帮助你的思想带到一个深度安静和静止的地方。这种疗法的重点是释放忧虑和焦虑。Learn more about the health benefits of meditation.

Healing arts:Our art program is designed to help you find relief from stress, a distraction from fear and an avenue for expression through various forms of art.

Healing Touch/Reiki:Healing Touch and Reiki therapies activate your natural energy to improve physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and healing. These therapies use hands-on, light or off-body touch to help clear energy blockages and balance the energetic flow of body, mind and spirit.

Journaling for healing:You’ll use journaling techniques, prompts and exercises to strengthen your resilience.Learn how journaling can help during difficult times.

Massage:This therapy uses physical manipulation to help relieve the body of stress and tension.

Mindfulness:Being aware of the present moment can help increase your sense of well-being.Learn how mindfulness can help health care workers during challenging times and try out these techniques yourself.

Music therapy:Music therapy uses music to promote mental, physical or emotional health.Take a peek into the life of a music therapist during a pandemic.

Osteopathic manipulative medicine:Hands-on osteopathic manipulative therapy reduces pain, swelling and illness. It can also improve your general wellness. This therapy uses physical manipulation of the muscles and joints to diagnose, treat or prevent illnesses and injuries.

Yoga:瑜伽是将呼吸和动作结合起来的练习。它有助于缓解身体和精神上的紧张。New to yoga? Try these three easy poses.

Browse Integrative Health Classes & Events

Complementary Medicine and Cancer Care

癌症医生开始探索非传统药物对病人的好处。Integrative health therapies canalleviate stressand other harmful symptoms when used alongside conventional medicine.

2022世界杯巴西阵容桑福德健康中心为癌症幸存者提供综合健康课程。Learn more and enroll.

Get Started

Partner with an integrative health expert to improve your mental, physical and spiritual health. We help patients with a variety of health concerns, from acute to chronic conditions.


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    3D Mammography Screening

    Fri 08/26/22 8:45 AM- Fri 08/26/22 12:30 PM
    Sanford Health Rock Rapids

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    Baby and Me Barre

    Fri 08/26/22 10:30 AM- Fri 08/26/22 11:15 AM
    Family Wellness Center