Health Behavioral Coaching

Meeting Your Changing Needs


Nutrition at Midlife


Navigating your body’s new dietary needs might sound a little overwhelming. Sanford’s nutritional experts are here to help make sure your diets meet all your nutritional needs.Learn more about nutrition at midlife.

Exercise at Midlife


Women who are less physically active are more likely to develop:

  • Heart disease
  • Obesity
  • Osteoporosis
  • High blood pressure
  • Poor circulation
  • Insomnia
  • Chronic back pain
  • Depression
  • Muscle weakness

Exercises like walking, jogging, dancing, biking and swimming will help you prevent these common health issues.

While being physically active has countless benefits, it’s important to discuss new exercise programs with your health care provider before you try them. This is where a behavioral health coach comes in. Not only will they support you in keeping up with your exercise regimen, but they can help you choose what program will work best for you.

Staying Healthy After Menopause

A few ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle following menopause include:

  • Quitting tobacco products.
  • Smoking majorly raises your risk of developing heart disease.
  • Maintain a balanced diet that is low in sugar.
  • This will help you stay at a healthy weight.
  • Cut your risk for heart disease by controlling high blood pressure with medication.
  • Decrease your stress levels through moderate exercise or other activities that help you relax.

At Sanford Health, we will work together on a step-by-step plan to live a healthier life. We teach you the tools to create change in your life and reach your health goal - whether it's drinking more water, eating healthier, sticking to an exercise program or achieving a healthy weight.

Living healthy can be a challenge when you have work, family and everyday events to focus on. Take time to focus on you. And have someone encourage you to keep it up.

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