
Your Endocrinology Experts

Get advanced care from the compassionate team at Sanford Endocrinology. Our endocrinologists are experts in diagnosing, treating and managing hormone imbalances and disorders.

Endocrine disorders occur when your glands cause a hormone imbalance. These glands either secrete too much or too little of a hormone. Hormones tell your body what to do and when to do it. An imbalance can disrupt essential functions, such as your ability to turn calories into energy.

Common Endocrine Disorders

Sanford Endocrinology specialists diagnose, treat and help you manage conditions including:

  • Diabetes:Diseases that affect the amount of sugar in the blood. Type 2 diabetes changes the way your body handles blood sugar. Type 1 diabetes affects how your body produces insulin.

  • Thyroid problems:任何影响你的甲状腺(你脖子底部的腺体)的问题。这些问题可以是被称为甲状腺肿大的腺体,也可以是危及生命的疾病。及早诊断和治疗甲状腺疾病至关重要。

  • Metabolic disorders: These disorders disrupt how your body processes food to get energy. Several diseases can affect your metabolism. The most common is diabetes.

  • Adrenal disorders每个肾脏上方都有肾上腺。肾上腺问题包括艾迪生病、库欣病和肾上腺癌。

If your primary care physician suspects you might have a hormone-related condition, you’ll get referred to an endocrinologist. Many endocrine disorders are chronic diseases and require long-term management. Your endocrinologist will work closely with your primary care doctor to coordinate your future care.

Choose Sanford Health for advanced diabetes care. We emphasize educating patients with diabetes on how to manage their disease. We’ve been recognized with the American Diabetes Association Education Recognition Certificate for our diabetes self-management education program.

Childhood Diabetes Care

Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can occur in children, but type 1 is the most common pediatric diabetes. You and your child will work with apediatric endocrinologistto create a management plan.

Learn about parentinga child with type 1 diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes Testing

All women should gettestedfor gestational diabetes during their pregnancy. Most of the time, women with gestational diabetes don’t feel any symptoms. This disease can increase your risk of pregnancy complications.


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Sanford Health has clinics around the Upper Midwest dedicated to endocrine disorder management.


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Clinical trials and studies can give you access to innovative treatments. The benefits extend past you, though. These trials can help researchers improve patient care and find cures for future generations. Search all clinical trials to find a trial open for enrollment and relevant to you.

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  • Media registration now open for Sanford International

    Aug. 29, 2022 Contact: Paul Heinert Sanford Health Media Relations 605-366-2432/ paul.heinert@sanfordhealth.org SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – The Sanford International is now accepting media credential requests online at pgatourmedia.com for the 2022 event, to be held September 12-18 at Minnehaha Country Club in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Please submit your outlet’s request for media credentials before […]
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