Body Contouring

Get the Shape You Want

Our body contouring services can remove excess fat and skin while improving the shape of the underlying support tissue.

We provide the following services:

Abdominoplasty:A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, removes extra skin and fatty tissues from your abdomen. It also can tighten the abdominal muscles. Many women opt for abdominoplasty after having children. Other common causes of a loose or sagging abdomen are aging, heredity, prior surgery, and significant fluctuations in weight. This procedure will create a flat and well-toned stomach.

Body lift:A body lift removes sagging skin and fatty tissue from around your waist, buttocks or thighs. Your skin may be less elastic due to aging, sun damage, pregnancy, or significant fluctuations in weight. Your doctor may recommend body lift techniques along with liposuction to improve shape and tone.

Brachioplasty:An arm lift, or brachioplasty, removes skin and fatty tissue from the inside of your arm. You might choose arm lift surgery if your upper arms have a drooping, sagging appearance. This can be from fluctuations in weight, aging, and heredity. This procedure will tighten and smooth the supportive tissue defining your upper arm shape.

Brazilian butt lift巴西式提臀术可以改善臀部形状。它包括通过抽脂术从身体其他部位吸取多余的脂肪,并将这些脂肪重新利用到臀部。

Gender reassignment surgery: Gender reassignment surgery is a series of procedures that change female to male anatomy or male to female anatomy. It’s also known as gender affirmation surgery or transgender surgery. This includestop surgery-乳房缩小或结构。

Liposuction:This procedure removes fat from specific areas of your body. Ideal candidates are at a near-normal body weight and have skin that is not sagging. This surgery is not intended to "slim down," but rather to balance and shape the body in areas that are disproportional, such as:

  • Abdomen and waist
  • Back
  • Calves and ankles
  • Cheeks, chin and neck
  • Chest area
  • Hips and buttocks
  • Inner knee
  • Thighs
  • Upper arms

Mommy Makeover:These procedures are focused on helping you get your body back after having a baby. A mommy makeover could include a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), breast lift and liposuction.

Panniculectomy:A panniculectomy,or belt lipectomy,removes dropping fat and excess skin - known as a pannus, or apron - after weight loss. The difference between this and an abdominoplasty is that a panniculectomy only involves the skin, not muscles. This procedure may be done alone or in combination with other procedures to maximize your new figure.

Thigh lift:A thigh lift removes excess skin and fatty tissues from your inner or outer thighs. You may choose to have this reshaping procedure done after a dramatic weight loss, but anyone with sagging skin in the thighs could find this procedure is right for them.

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