Facial Services

Feel Comfortable in Your Own Skin

Sanford Facial Services provides expert advice and the latest procedures in facial services and rejuvenation. Whether your needs are reconstructive or cosmetic, we have a service for you.

We offer:

Blepharoplasty:Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, removes extra skin and fat around your eye. You can choose to have surgery on your upper lids, lower lids, or both. Patients choose this surgery to improve the natural contour of the upper eyelid. Eyelid surgery also can solve functional problems, such as loose or sagging eyelids that impair vision.

Brow lift:眉部提容术,也叫额头提容术,是将眉毛提升到一个更年轻的位置。如果下垂的眉毛阻碍了你的视力,或者你想消除额头上的“忧虑”纹,你可以选择这个手术。你的医生会决定适合你的方法。

Botox:Botox cosmetic treatments are an injectable medicine to temporarily reduce or eliminate fine lines and wrinkles on your face - most commonly, frown lines, forehead creases and crow's feet near the eyes. Your provider can inject Botox during a short procedure. The small amount of botulinum toxin works to block signals from the nerves to the muscles. When these muscles relax, wrinkles soften.

Cleft lip and cleft palate surgery:We offer corrective surgery, generally for children affected by birth defects of the palate and lips. This is usually done between 12 to 18 months old.

Ear pinning: This procedure (also known as ear ostoplasty) is for children and adults. It flattens ears that stick out closer to the sides of the face.

Ear reconstruction: We offer this surgery to rebuild and reshape the ear. It is for patients with microtia, or ears that did not fully form. The surgery can restore hearing in the affected ear.

Face lift:面部拉皮手术可以改善面部和颈部明显的衰老迹象。这种方法会重新调整面部组织,通常是在脸的下半部分,比如颈部松弛的皮肤,可能会出现双下巴或“火鸡脖子”。你的医生会决定适合你的方法。

Facial fat grafting:如果你的面部皮肤有沟槽或褶皱,考虑面部脂肪移植。这会从你身体的其他部位吸收额外的脂肪,用它来填补这些不规则的。

Neck lift通过提颈来改善你的形象。这种手术通过去除多余的皮肤和脂肪来重塑颈部和下巴的轮廓。

Rhinoplasty:Rhinoplasty, also called a "nose job" or "nose reshaping," is surgery that can improve the appearance of your nose. You can have nose surgery to decrease or increase the size of your nose - or change the shape. This procedure might also be right for you if you have difficulty breathing due to structural defects in your nose, such as a deviated septum.

At Sanford Health, your facial services team will help you choose the approach that best fits your goals. We want you to feel comfortable in your own skin.

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    3D Mammography Screening

    Fri 08/26/22 8:45 AM- Fri 08/26/22 12:30 PM
    Sanford Health Rock Rapids

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    Baby and Me Barre

    Fri 08/26/22 10:30 AM- Fri 08/26/22 11:15 AM
    Family Wellness Center